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How to promote your Event at other events venue?

Try the following event promotion tips. You can do it alone, but with a guerrilla crew, you’ll be up to something surprisingly effective and valuable.
New York, New York, United States of America ( 02/11/2010
Unless you have access to key people at the major Medias, or you have a big Rolodex, you won’t be able to attract alone many people to your events. If you are like me, you need to get smart. There are in fact, tried and true methods you can employ to make your next event a success even if you have no advertising budget: go out to promote your event at other events venue.
Try the following event promotion tips. You can do it alone, but with a guerrilla crew, you’ll be up to something surprisingly effective and valuable.

1. Attend meetups related to the content of your event, and when it’s your turn to speak, introduce yourself (prepare your elevator pitch – which we are, what we do, who use. Example: “I own two meeting management companies and I’ve developed four revenues strategies to save my clients up to $150K in expenses or make up to $400K in new money.”) And finish your presentation like this “and, next week, on Thursday, at Warren Hotel, we have an invitation-only meetup for corporate events planners and event organizers, with special appearance of Chris Brogan, the New York Times bestselling co-author of Trust Agents. Right, for those of you who are interested to attend, I may have few seats left”.

2. Do the same thing for any relevant events you or your crew could attend: related Facebook groups events, LinkedIn groups events, Barcamps, etc. To be effective, however, you new a powerful, simple, and straightforward script. Take with you flyers, and brochures. Be nice and fun during the gatherings. You want to be the honey that attracts the flies, not a “I-know-it-all” speaking head. You are on marketing mission, but be true to yourself, and your message.

3. Arrive in advance at the event venue, and try to befriend the event organizers. If you are successful they may end up announcing your events in their speech or let you hand out your flyers during or after the events.

4. Spread the word about peer referral network for event promotion, and invite the event organizers to join your network on Smart event promoter team up, and collaborate with many other event promoters, and they get to know the influentials in their field and town. They create alliances, business event management, trust network, and peer referral networks. And you know what, the big promotions with hundreds or thousands of attendees are actually a conglomerate of smaller promotions done by a myriad of partners pooling their promotional resources for the success of the big event. The big river comes from hundreds of tributaries.

5. If you can, sponsor smaller events related to your events: meetups, barcamps, user generated events, etc.

6. Volunteer or apply to speak at other events related to your content.

7. When the time for questions comes at the end of a session, BE THE FIRST to raise your hand and ask a thoughtful question, introduce yourself in a less selling way, say something like this: “I’m Mark Joao, I help single mom entrepreneurs in the community, and my question is …”

Now start feeling how powerful these methods could help you. In fact, at these gatherings, you have a unique chance to market to qualified audience. The one thing you need is the right PR stunt that will help you attract the right people to your event effortlessly.

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About is an experiment in a new kind of event promotion, built on the idea that event marketing is not only about money.


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