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About Coast Hydroponics

Whether you are a hydroponics enthusiast or a seasoned professional, you will find a great selection and unparalleled value in our hydroponics store.
Oceanside, CA, United States of America ( 16/02/2011
A geek gardener in Phoenix AZ. gazes over his greenhouse about a month after it is completed and the plants were put in place. He had had the Beefsteak tomato plants just started flowering when he kept them inside the greenhouse and it looked like they liked the greenhouse environment!
A fascinating aspect of using the hydroponics method of food and fruit production has surfaced in the form of growing tomatoes. Hydroponic tomatoes can be easily grown and are if cultivated properly, turn out delicious! They will be available to pick on your own whenever you need them, the whole year through, no matter what season!
Hydroponic tomatoes on the average are larger than traditional soil grown ones, and take approximately 40% less time to grow, owing to the fact that the roots do not have to be spread out to search for nutrients (as is the case when they are planted in soil!)
In order to achieve a beautiful array of hydroponically grown tomatoes, there are just a few considerations that you need to keep in mind.
The environmental temperature should be at 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and 10 degrees lower during the night. Even a slight variation in these temperatures will cause the tomatoes to come out discolored or withered. Additionally, it is recommended that a metal high intensity discharge lamp be used to provide the necessary 18 hours of light that hydroponically grown tomatoes need.
It is additionally necessary, that hydroponic tomatoes be grown at appropriate humidity levels, or else they may end up being deficient in calcium. The ideal level is 70% humidity. At lesser degress, the tomatoes will be unable to take in the nutrients.
Hydroponic tomatoes truly thrive in a greenhouse environment. The variety of these tomatoes that can be grown is exciting! Among them are the Marmade and the Pink of Berne, which when grown hydroponically, utilize Cocopeat as the growing medium.
Other Hydroponic tomatoes include the Mutant (which are two conjoined flowers), which ripen into huge tomatoes. Then there are sepals, which grow a little more slowly, but when they finally sprout, you will notice that they have multiple, big size trussels. The sepal plant has to be staked adequately to allow it to hold the tomatoes firmly.


Whether you are a hydroponics enthusiast or a seasoned professional, you will find a great selection and unparalleled value in our hydroponics store. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to help you select the right growing lights, irrigation system and nutrients to ensure your success.


Cathriene Zieta

1319 South Coast Highway
Zipcode : 92054