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Free yourself from the captivity of drugs and alcohol

We live in a world where drug and alcohol addiction is running rampant within our neighborhoods and harming the addicted individuals as well as those around them. Some may admit they have a problem but, many live in denial and refuse outright to go to a rehab center.
Encinitas, california, United States of America ( 03/03/2011
Most of these people are in need of urgent medical care whether they admit they have a problem or not. Recent studies have shown that the number of addicts living in denial has sadly, been on an upward trend.
The New Horizon Recovery treatment center located in a serene environment, surrounded by warm, sandy beaches, provides the perfect rehabilitation center for all those that wish to seek professional addiction treatment. They offer an array of services such as; drug rehabilitation, alcohol rehabilitation and professional counseling. The New Horizon Recovery treatment centre is the best alternative to the drug rehabilitation centers in Nevada, Texas or Arizona based on their Southern California location and their calm, serene, beach environment. The recovering patient has the option of living in a cozy, comfortable apartment or one of the upscale contemplative homes. In either of these communities, you have the opportunity to reclaim your life without all the hustle and bustle of city living.
The staff of experts at the New Horizon Recovery center consists of qualified counselors who will be with you every step of the way. They customize each and every program according to the individual’s addiction and recovery needs. They will also continue to be there throughout the healing process to ensure that there is no relapse and that the recovery is indeed successful.
Those who would like to partake in a more physically active program can be assured that the facility has some of the best trainers in the area and will also be with you throughout the treatment process. A major advantage of this center is that you will have the support of counselors and staff as well as other patients who may have similar problems. Sharing life experiences with your peers can help with the recovery process and give you comfort in knowing that you are not going through the challenges of addiction recovery alone.
There are many options available for the method that works best for the individual in need. He/she just needs to admit that they have an addiction and begin taking the steps to enroll in a treatment program. The warm beaches and the cool breeze from the ocean at New Horizon Recovery are waiting to lead you to the path of a steady recovery.
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New Horizon Recovery is an upscale addiction recovery community located in Southern California in the beach city of Encinitas. We provide affordable drug and alcohol treatment in a safe, comfortable environment. Our residential drug and alcohol treatment and sober living homes are located in attractive, gated communities where you can reclaim a peaceful, supportive life.



417 Sandalwood Court
Zipcode : 92024