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April College Scholarship Deadlines Are Quickly Approaching

A number of college scholarships have deadlines in April that are not noted by students and causes them to miss out on potential financial aid funding.
Boca Raton, FL, United States of America ( 05/03/2011

Getting into college is a very involved process and sometimes the most component is ignored. This is taking note of the deadlines for various scholarship forms. It is imperative to stay organized, keep a list of these and then be sure to abide by the dates listed. According to Dee Cohen, licensed social worker and owner of , “I have had many counseling sessions with students who expressed extreme frustration that they submitted their admission applications on time but missed out on some important scholarship deadlines that were good fits for their accomplishments. “

There are numerous scholarship programs that the government, corporations and private institutions award. Each one has a different requirement for gpa minimum, ending date of application process and other criteria. For those unsure of what to study, there are numerous Social Work Programs that qualify a graduate for a variety of positions. The April scholarship deadlines are approaching and here are some to be keep track of closely.

The Morgan Stanley scholarship program is for American students who wish to study in a Japanese university. It grants two scholarships worth $7,500 each. Juniors and senior students who are interested in taking up economics and international finance are the ones eligible for this scholarship. The applications for this scholarship are collected and screened by the US-Japan Bridging Foundation and the Association of Teachers of Japanese. The application deadline is on the 8th of April. An applicant has to submit an application form to the Bridging Project Clearinghouse in the University of Colorado.

For those with an interest in health, the Healthy Lifestyles Scholarship should be considered if you are under twenty five, will be an incoming freshman or are in your first year of college now. There will be two different essays required. One covers the question of why a healthy lifestyle is important in school. The other asks one to describe their career plans, goals and personal ambitions. The award is five thousand dollars.

Another program with an April Scholarship Deadline is the Ronald C. Harrell Scholarship for engineering students. This is founded in 1918 by the North Carolina Society of Engineers. It grants North Carolina lucky students two thousand dollars each. The deadline for submission of application is on the 23rd of April.

Other scholarships due in April include the Seabee Memorial Scholarship for military programs on April 15th, Oregon Medical Education Foundation Scholarship due by April 1st and the National Association of Black Journalists Scholarships which has a deadline of April 4th 2011.

These scholarship programs are just some of the numerous ones available. When you visit Ms. Cohen’s blog, you’ll also find out more about male nursing scholarships as well as how to apply for left handed scholarships and scholarships for minority women. Cohen advises one to think out their interests, family tree and associations in order to broaden the search to find additional funding to further one’s education. At many resources are listed for available scholarships and educational programs.



Dee Cohen 1355 W Palmetto Park Rd
Zipcode : 33486