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US Tax-Dollars Working Against American Families

The misappropriate use of US Educational Funds with secret pact between private corporations and political leaders will be addressed at Summer National Conference
Camden, New Jersey, United States of America ( 14/07/2011
At the Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action in Washington, DC, from July 28 thru July 31. America will be exposed to the secret alliance of private and political abuse of public funds towards supporting a campaign to privatize education.

From early childhood to four year degrees, according to News Corporation’s Chairmen and CEO, Mr. Rupert Murdoch, “When it comes to K-12 education, we see a $500 billion sector in the U.S. alone that is waiting desperately to be transformed by big breakthroughs that extend the reach of great teaching.” The Education Industry Association adds, “The education industry is poised for explosive growth in all of its segments from pre-K-12 through post-secondary education. In fact, education is rapidly becoming a $1 trillion industry, second in size only to the health care industry, and represents 10 percent of America’s GNP. Federal, state and local expenditures on education exceed $750 billion.”

Where does this money come from to support private corporations? More importantly, how is it spent? The average American tax-payer, who unwillingly is participating doesn’t know. Several conference workshops will provide how tax-payers can find out more information, and what local politician is affiliated in this secret pact. And what tax-payers can do to stop this abuse.

As one of 48 workshops hosted over the two-day Conference at America University, the New Jersey Minority Educational Development organization’s workshop “Addressing the Minority Community’s Issues in Public Education” will demonstrate why this is a bad deal for the minority community and how it disfranchises over 75% of children from their neighborhood schools, as well as eliminates important social development activities.

Albert Mitchell II, New Jersey Minority Educational Development’s Executive Director, said, “If you do nothing else this summer, you must attend this rally to save our children, from the corporate mindset, that anything can be brought and sold. This is something that needs immediate attention.” Contact your local school, church, and political representative, or visit Save Our School March and National Call to Action website, to find out more information.


NJ MED provides an alternative lifestyle for minority youth through higher education.


Albert Mitchell II

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