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Learn More About HPV Warts to Protect Yourself From Infection

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. This virus is highly contagious and easily passed through skin to skin contact with an infected individual.
Gainesville, FL, United States of America ( 27/07/2011
HPV stands for human papillomavirus. This virus is highly contagious and easily passed through skin to skin contact with an infected individual. You may think that HPV only causes genital warts. But the truth is, HPV is the virus that causes warts anywhere on your body. It is important that you learn everything you can about HPV warts to protect yourself from infection.

The human papillomavirus actually has over one hundred different strains. Each specific strain will cause warts on certain areas of the body. Most of the time, HPV warts are harmless. However, there are about thirty types of HPV that can cause cancer. These types of warts will be found in the genital area. It fact, a large percentage of cervical cancers found in women are caused by HPV.

It is important that you learn everything you can about HPV warts so you will know how to protect yourself and your loved ones. A good source of HPV information can be found at hpv warts ( ). Here you discover information about the causes of HPV and your best treatment options.

You need to understand there is no cure for HPV. You can get rid of the warts that the virus causes, but you will carry the virus in your body. A lot of times, your body’s own immune system will eliminate the virus. This is why it is important you take good care of yourself by eating healthy and by exercising. You should avoid high risk behaviors, especially smoking. Researchers have found a definite link between smoking and cervical cancers. This site wart remover ( ) will provide more information on how to get rid of HPV warts.

In most cases, if an individual has warts, he will get an over the counter remedy or a prescription for the doctor to treat the warts. These treatments can work. However, you need to consider that you are putting a harsh chemical on your body to help eliminate the HPV warts. These chemicals can damage the skin and put you at risk for developing other types of side effects.

To avoid further damage to your body through conventional HPV warts treatments you need to learn how you can treat your warts with natural remedies. will reveal to you the best natural treatments for your warts. It is important that you find a treatment that will get rid of your warts without doing harm to the body.



Male genital warts should never be ignored. These warts are highly contagious and the virus that causes these warts has been known to cause cervical cancer in women and in rare cases penile cancer in men. Anyone who has genital warts should abstain from sex until the warts are cleared up. After the warts are gone, it is a good idea to refrain from being promiscuous and to always wear a condom.


Jeffrey Mccoy

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