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Ecstasy as Treatment for Lymphoma

Ecstasy is a euphoric drug and considered illegal in some countries. On the other hand, it is now the center of study for UK researchers, who have found out that it might help in curing cancer.
California, CA, United States of America ( 23/12/2011
Researchers in U.K. are currently studying Ecstasy as a treatment for blood cancers

MDMA or also known as Ecstasy is still being studied by researchers as one of the possible answers to cure cancer of the blood like Lymphoma and Leukaemia. Recently, a team of researchers from UK tried to modify the drug that killed the cancer cells.

Ecstasy is a euphoric drug and causes side effects to a person taking it. There are individuals that uses this drug to help them heightened their emotion, such as confidence and boost their energy level. In 2006, a team of researchers from the University of Birmingham have also released information that the drug can prevent the cancer cells to rapidly growing.

The team that studied the cause of ecstasy to blood cancers used a high dose of the drug, resulting to the death of cancer affected lymphoma cells. The effectiveness must be 100 times fold, said by the Investigational New Drugs. The MDMA used by the researchers for test is not the one in recreational form; rather they added molecular groups that are effective to fight B-cell lymphoma cells.

Indeed, it is beneficial for blood cancer patients like Lymphoma and Leukaemia, but the MDMA must be concentrated without overdosing the patient. Dr. Julie Sharp from UK Cancer Research is requesting the team to conduct further study of the dangerous drug and create a safe version to treat cancer patients.

The lymphoma symptoms, particularly the lumps and high-fever, are early signals for everyone to visit a physician and for check-up. The continuous study of researchers in using MDMA for cancer is a positive indication that patients can be cured with their illness.


Symptoms of Lymphoma website provide relevant information about the cancer in the lymphatic system. Treatments, types and causes and other risk factors of Lymphoma are also in the website.


Maxine Doe

West Hollywood, California
Zipcode : 90210