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Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys Work on Contingency

Situated in Chicago, Illinois, the law offices of Lane & Lane, LLC aids clients in the practice area of personal injury case, including accident, catastrophic injuries, spinal cord injury, burns, amputations, blindness, complex regional pain syndrome and reflex sympathetic dystrophy , wrongful death, birth injuries, cerebral palsy and many more. Contact this Chicago truck accident attorney of law firm to fight for the full, fair and complete compensation that you deserve.
Chicago, IL, United States of America ( 20/01/2012
Traffic accidents involving trucks can be catastrophic both physically and financially for everyone involved. You can now hire experienced truck accident attorneys who work on contingency through the law offices of Lane & Lane, LLC.

Because trucks are larger and weigh more than cars and motorcycles, they do more damage. Even other truck drivers can be seriously injured when hit by a truck. For this reason, medical bills and wage losses can be crippling for individuals and families. When you are involved in a traffic accident, you should immediately consult with an attorney.

The law offices of Lane & Lane, LLC provide free consultation to review the specifics of your situation. If they decide you have case, they will take the case on a contingency basis. This means you do not have to pay any upfront costs for your legal representation. In fact, you owe nothing unless you win money from a settlement or verdict. A portion of your compensation is paid to the firm to cover your fees.

In addition to saving you additional financial loss, contingency fee structures provide an added incentive to the firm to win your case. This is their way of demonstrating their commitment to your case and loyalty to you as a client. Only well-established law firms can afford to take personal injury cases on contingency.

Your situation may be deemed a suitable case if the truck driver broke the law by being reckless, distracted, or negligent in some way. Under the law, you may be eligible for compensation for damages as well as pain and suffering caused by the driver. Personal injury law is a specialty not all law firms focus on which is why you want a law firm with years of experience not only practicing personal injury law but winning cases.

Truck accident attorneys that work for Lana & Lane, LLC have won many multimillion dollar insurance settlements and verdicts. With a combined 130 years of experience, the law firm is a national leader in personal injury law. Their attorneys provide instruction to other lawyers on topics ranging from medical litigation to personal injury trial techniques.

If you or a loved one have recently been involved in a traffic accident with a truck and are now suffering as result, it is not too late to seek representation. Not everyone involved in accidents believe they are entitled to compensation. But if you have medical bills, lost wages, or other expenses related to the accident, you may be eligible for legal compensation that insurance companies do not cover or are unwilling to pay.


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Fred Lane

230 W Monroe St, Suite 1900, Chicago, IL, 60606, USA
Zipcode : 60606