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Electronic Smokeless Cigarette From Verified Wholesaler At Your Home

Now better way to smoke with electronic cigarette which is health friendly as well as the easy to use anywhere. It’s a consistency in taste & nicotine levels.
Alberta, Antrim, Canada ( 13/03/2012

With the bans imposed on smoking in public, an electronic cigarette is about the only alternative course open to smokers, especially, in stressful situations. A verified wholesaler, who home delivers, eliminates the need to locate shops, stocking e-cigs.

Reseda, CA (Press Release) March 12, 2012: An electronic smokeless cigarette may not be totally harmless. But they are certainly a healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes. Herbert Gilbert was the man who took out the very first patent for electronic cigarette in 1963. Then why hasn’t anyone marketed the product previously?

The tobacco barons of yesteryears were so powerful that no one wanted to get in their bad books by backing the new electronic cigarette. Besides, technology those days, was not what it is today.

The year 2003 gave consumers a taste of the first smokeless cigarette. It was created by the Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik. He called it Ruyan or ‘resemblance to smoking’. Between 2005 and 2007 they were internationally patented and distributed.

“The electronic smokeless cigarette gives you the same look, taste and feel as a traditional cigarette, without the harmful toxins. E-cigs have many benefits that are not typical of the traditional harmful cigarettes. Of special significance is the convenience of not having to use a lighters or ash trays”, says Mr. Logan Kane.

Smoking cigars in public used to be a symbol of class and style at one time. Most advertisements featured models posing stylishly with cigarettes in their hands. Over the years research has revealed the harmful effects of passive smoking. These days, people who smoke in public are considered insensitive.

When asked if e-cigarettes can help a person quit smoking, Mr. Kane said, “For many individuals, these are alternative cigarettes. Though not originally designed for assisting in the quitting process of smoking - the nicotine craving is still there - but to a large degree, e-cigs tone down the craving while giving the smoker the feel of smoking a real cigarette.”

The new electronic cigarette is a better choice for smokers. Conventional cigarettes contain a whooping 400,000 chemicals of which about 50 are care cancer causing. Both the smoker and those around are at risk. Considering this, e-cigs are relatively harmless. The e-juice is a mixture of glycerin and water. Some e-juice contain nicotine. This nicotine is the sole harmful part of alternative cigarettes as compared to traditional ones.

About Never Light Again (NLA): The place to find cheap but verified quality e-cig online is - The delivery address is - 6934 Canby AVE #110, Reseda CA, 91355. You can call - (800)767-1610 for information.


NeverLightAgain offers electronic disposable cigarettes and accessories through its online store


Neverlinght again

6934 CANBY AVE #110,RESEDA CA, 91355
Zipcode : 913 55