Newsroom / Lifestyle / Beauty / Teeth Whitening Needs To be Ongoing Habit

Teeth Whitening Needs To be Ongoing HabitFeatured PR

When we think of a habit sometimes it can have negative connotations we are talking about undertaking teeth whitening regularly enough to ensure the teeth stay white.
uk, uk, United Kingdom ( 20/07/2010

"Laser teeth whitening is very popular because the treatment takes just 60 minutes and your new smile is evident straight away."

When we think of a habit sometimes it can have negative connotations we are talking about undertaking teeth whitening regularly enough to ensure the teeth stay white.
Smile60 a specialist laser teeth whitening company in the UK recognise this fact and offer their customers two potential solutions after they have had their initial treatment. One is any future laser whitening treatments are at a reduced cost of £99 and currently every treatment comes with a free home kit which will continue to whiten the teeth and maintain the results gained from the laser teeth whitening treatment.

Many people will not understand that the teeth are porous and therefore will always get stained and we are fighting a constant battle to keep them whiter says Jason Scott from Smile60 and therefore need to look at teeth whitening in the same way we look at fitness and exercise. We would not expect to go the gym for a week and have a great looking body forever it simply does not work that way and we need to keeping working at it in the same way as whitening the teeth.

laser teeth whitening is very popular because the treatment takes just 60 minutes and your new smile is evident straight away. The treatment is non evasive and uses a safe non bleach gel which is perfect for anyone suffering from sensitivity.
About Smile60
Smile60 have over twenty laser whitening clinics across the south and specialising only in laser teeth whitening since 2007. A new smile is not far away from one of the Smile60 local clinics.
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Tel – 08458 621523
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laser teeth whitening




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Zipcode : mk12 2jn

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laser, teeth, whitening