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Renowned Acupuncturist Successfully Treats Children

Dr. Katleen Albertson admits she is often asked, “Do you treat children?” The answer, she says, is an empathic, “Yes!” My youngest patient was three days old...a baby girl with oral thrush.
Irvine, CA, United States of America ( 28/12/2010
Dr. Katleen Albertson admits she is often asked, “Do you treat children?” The answer, she says, is an empathic, “Yes!” My youngest patient was three days old...a baby girl with oral thrush. Chinese herbal medicine successfully cleared her very quickly using the appropriate herbs, in a very small dosage.” Kathleen Albertson is a licensed acupuncturist, and herbalist treating adults, and children for over 16 years. She holds her PhD in Holistic Nutrition.

“The beauty of acupuncture or herbal medicine is that it has very few side effects—unlike Western medicine. Using a holistic, more natural approach to health problems is safer and more restorative for your body, states Dr. Albertson.

Many children are brought to her clinic for a wide variety of reasons. Common questions asked by parents include, “How do they sit through acupuncture?” The age and disposition of the child dictates if acupuncture is used. “I have the option of using herbs or acupressure, if the child is too young, or too active.” This is determined on a case by case, child by child basis. If the child is uncomfortable with the idea, it is never forced.

Can it treat the common cold?

Colds, sore throats, ear infections and flu are quite common and ultimately TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine which includes acupuncture and herbs) improves the child’s immune system so he/she gets sick less often.

What about ADD or hyperactivity behavioral issues?

Yes, treated with great success. For example, Anthony is an eleven year old boy being treated for ADD. “I don’t like how I feel on western medicine…I am not myself.”

“I feel calmer and more focused using my acupuncture treatments and herbs. I had a perfect behavior record last semester. I am very proud of that.”

Another student who Dr. Albertson treated for allergies starting at age 7 is now in pre med school, He was diagnosed at an early age with Asbergers’ disease, a high functioning form of autism.

May kids suffer with digestive problems and allergies which are commonly treated with TCM. Western medicine takes a long time to diagnose and usually masks symptoms with medication after medication, and never getting to the root cause. Nutritional analysis is a key element in resolving these problems. A nutritional analysis helpful, as a foundation of where to go with your child’s health. It’s good to know if you child has yeast or microscopic bacteria internally.

Commonly Treated:
Acne ADD Anxiety
Asthma Anger Allergies
Anemia Arthritis Back Pain
Bed Wetting Brain Damage Bronchitis
Candida Colds/Flu Colic
Constipation Dandruff Deafness
Delayed Growth Diabetes Diarrhea
Hernia Muscle aches Rett’sSyndrome
Pneumonia PMS Poison Ivy
Obesity Psoriasis Speech Development
Sweating Thrush Tonsillitis
Osgood-Schlatter Disease Sports Injuries
Tics Tremors Insomnia

What about Chinese herbs?

Herbal formulas are custom made for the uniqueness of your child’s problems. The herbs are plant based and safe. Remember, Western drugs have side effects and mask the true symptoms of the illness. Why not solve the problem and free your child of long term drug use?
Dr. Albertson suggests seeking alternative, holistic care and integrating it with Western medicine in the best interest of your child.

“I have successfully helped hundreds of children over the last sixteen years and am here to help yours.” Dr. Albertson is available for interviews and consultations. Her practice is located in Irvine, CA.


The bottom line is increased focus and education on holistic care, wellness, nutrition and lifestyle improves patient results. “We should work cooperatively to enhance patient care nationwide.” Kathie, a gentle and caring practitioner, can be reached at or at (949)-861-8901.


Kathleen Albertson

9841 Irvine Center Dr. # 170
Zipcode : 92618