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Best Sales Training is Implemented at Axiom SFD

Yet we know the most successful people in any field, including the best sales training and sales management, find a way to get the most important things done on a consistent basis.
Jacksonville, FL , United States of America ( 11/01/2011
Portland, OR - January 09, 2010 -- Just do it. Nike’s marketing slogan is one of the most widely recognized of our time. Why is it that this simple phrase resonates so strongly with such a broad audience? Perhaps it is because we realize that “just doing it” is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. Success is a byproduct of what we do. We succeed when we do the right things, in the right way, with the right frequency. Why is it, then, that so many of us fail on a daily basis to complete tasks we know need to be done? It seems it is our very nature to over commit, and as a result under deliver. Yet we know the most successful people in any field, including the best sales training and sales management, find a way to get the most important things done on a consistent basis.

Hire a personal trainer

Often people who want to improve their fitness hire a personal trainer to help them get in shape. Is exercise and diet so complicated as to require a paid professional to help us figure out what to do? Not necessarily. In fact, there are considerable resources for anyone who wants to learn what exercises to do and what they should and should not eat. While a personal trainer can certainly assist by providing expertise, arguably their most important role is that of accountability partner. Let’s face it; if we are paying someone to meet us at the health club at 6:00 am, we are more likely to be there. Make no mistake, being an effective personal trainer involves far more than watching us step on the scale once a month and reading the number out loud to us. Without the trainer, many would never make it to the gym in the first place. Checking our progress toward our fitness goals, monitoring our form and helping develop an exercise routine and diet that works for us all help facilitate our success and keep us focused. In many ways, a sales manager is like a personal trainer. Our role is to determine the personal and professional objectives of each seller, help them create a personal success plan, and perhaps most importantly, continue to hold each person accountable for his or her success and development utilizing the best sales training.

Agreeing versus doing

What happens when the sales manager can’t or won’t hold sellers accountable for selling and developmental assignments even when using the best sales training? No surprise here. They don’t get done. At the end of our seminars we ask participants if they believe using the AXIOM Selling Sciences Program™ will help them sell significantly more. The positive response is overwhelming. So how many do you suppose “just do it” and actually become proficient with the sales process? Without a manager/coach to hold them accountable, only one or two in ten will get it done on their own. Does this mean they are lazy or bad people? Were they lying about their belief? Probably not. More likely, they simply don’t have the self-discipline at this time to create and work a plan that will help them develop their skills and drive their performance. They need a coach to help them move from agreement, through comprehension and ultimately to proficient application of these new skills using the best sales

Don’t be an enabler

Unfortunately many sales managers do more to enable the seller’s poor behavior than they do to help develop the appropriate selling skills. Every time a manager jumps in to attempt to save a poorly qualified deal, has a superficial conversation about proposed opportunities or commiserates with the reps about how difficult the market is, that manager is doing nothing more than enabling the seller’s poor behavior. Imagine a personal trainer who agreed that it really was too early in the morning to get in a good work out, and then lifted the weight for you. How much progress could you make? If, as sales managers, we are going to drive performance by helping our people sell more effectively, we cannot lament their situation or do the work for them. We need to gain their commitment to their own development and define what tasks must be completed in order for them to succeed. Then, most importantly, we must hold them accountable for completing these tasks. Use the best sales training to take control. If we cannot or will not hold them accountable, only the most self disciplined sellers on the team will be able to take control of their own development and become the skilled, knowledgeable professionals all may well be capable of becoming.

Contact :
AXIOM Sales Force Development
4600 Touchton Road, Suite 1150
Jacksonville, FL 32246
(800) 933-8503


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AXIOM Sales Force Development

Jacksonville, FL
Zipcode : 32246
(800) 933-8503
(800) 933-8503