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Green Leafy Vegetables - Secret of a Healthy Life

Being rich in vitamin and mineral content, Green leafy vegetables play a major role in promoting and maintaining good health .Intake of certain veggies thrice a week would add a taste and difference in your regular diet.
Durham, NC, United States of America ( 14/03/2011
Have you ever thought why most people like to have green leafy vegetables? Why salads get an important place in every one’s dining tables? The fact is that these leafy vegetables are low in fat and rich in vitamins, fibers thus reducing the risk of many diseases. Consumption of at least one leafy vegetable a day would typically lowers the calories and plays a significant role in weight management. Cabbage, cauliflower and spinach, which are rich in mineral content lowers the risk of cardio vascular diseases and arthritis. Green vegetables can be consumed in raw state itself as they are highly beneficial in maintaining health and preventing diseases. A report says that the natural chemicals found in these greens reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancers.

Vitamin A found in these vegetables is much essential for reducing the risk of blindness and enabling normal vision. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to eye infection, night blindness and other eye disorders. Spinach and leaves of some vegetables rich in vitamin C is essential for the growth of body tissues. Deficiency of vitamin C would increase the risk of diseases like scurvy, anemia and premature ageing. When taken in regularly, these green leafy vegetables would improve the nutritive status of our health. Also daily intake of green-yellow vegetables reduces the risk of ovarian cancer in women. Phytochemicals such as lutein and beta- carotene are rich in these greens. Beta-carotene, converted into vitamin A can improve the immune functions.

Iron and calcium are present abundantly in these edible herbs. Leaves of pumpkin, cabbage and beetroot would are consumed widely due to their taste and nutritional value. Many kinds of leaves are collected from forests for consumption by people as they are healthy foods and have more medicinal value. Some leaves taste bitter and hard and so people find it difficult to consume. Such leaves can be juiced with some other sweet fruits or vegetables. Juicing a vegetable never wastes its nutritional value. Adding lemon or some berries would make your juice taste great. Juicing makes us consume large quantities of leafy vegetables which are rich in powerful anti oxidants for prevention of cancer.

The health benefits ( ) of leafy vegetables are more and so it is essential to add it to our meals at least thrice a week. As these edible leaves are an excellent source of minerals, taking in of these herbs in raw state protects us from various health disorders. Fresh salads would taste better and healthier and provide necessary nutrients. Try different recipes so that your dish tastes different each day. Seasonal vegetables would be inexpensive and provide much nutrition to your diet.

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