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Plus Size Yoga DVD Bestseller at Amazon's Video On DemandFeatured PR

Plus size people are making their voices heard with purchasing power. Beginners Dynamic Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss is a top seller at Amazon's Video on Demand.
Edgewater, Florida, United States of America ( 29/03/2010

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For those people who are intimidated by taking a yoga class in a room full of lean, thin yogi's, there is now an option: a beginners yogaDVD made especially for plus size people. Beginners Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss was produced by Suzanne Andrews who is no stranger to being plus size. She was once 14 sizes bigger than her current healthy figure and credits yoga as a mainstay in her fitness regime to helping keep the weight off.

With its emphasis on yoga modified for plus size people, Beginners Dynamic Yoga takes the pretzel out of the poses. But it doesn't stop there: Suzanne Andrews is a certified yoga teacher and an occupational therapy practitioner who uses medical yoga in her practice to help people release stress and lose weight. By combining medical yoga for the plus size community, Beginners Dynamic Yoga medical approach to mind,body spirit fitness offers a safe alternative to return the body's metabolism to one of optimum function.

Andrews also credits yoga for saving her life. The Daytona Beach News Journal reports "the integration of mind, body, spirit that practicing yoga encompasses helped saved Suzanne Andrews life." Her breathing techniques developed lungs physically powerful enough to sustain Andrews through a recent near-death experience after a fatal medical miscalculation caused her pulse to stop on the operating table. On January 5th, 2005, Andrews went in for a minor surgical procedure to unblock her sinuses. While on the operating table, she experienced an allergic reaction and her pulse stopped . Trapped between life and death, the doctors frantically performed CPR and tension filled the air as her lips, hands and feet turned an eerie blue. An ambulance was called where her near lifeless body was transported to the intensive medical care unit of Halifax Medical Center. Her kidneys refused to function and her veins were so constricted that doctor failed to get another IV into her after three futile attempts. After meditating for just 5 minutes, Suzanne Andrews kidneys began to function, her pulse strengthened and her veins opened up enough to get the lifesaving IV in. The cardiologist stated, "I am an Indian doctor and my patient is teaching me how great yoga is. Your strong lungs from yoga really helped pull you through." The surgeon added, " the positive attitude teachings of yoga played a major part in recovery."

Andrews created the bonus stress release and weight loss meditation CD that goes with the DVD after meeting author and psychologist, Dr. Marcella Bakur Weiner on the former Geraldo Show in New York City. Dr. Weiner introduced Andrews to the concept of mind, body meditation. Skeptical at first, Andrews decided to combine yoga with meditation and after steadily losing 3 lbs a week for a total weight loss of 60 pounds, she became a believer.


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