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Buy Solar panels Online of the Highest Quality and Efficiency

SolGate is a leading company that manufactures quality made solar panels with the latest technology and with high efficiency photovoltaic modules.
Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada ( 08/10/2011
Woodbridge, Ontario - Solar energy has plenty of benefits. It is a known fact that it is a renewable and virtually a free source of energy. The rise and fall of oil and gas prices has no impact on this source of energy. SolGate is a leading company that manufactures Solar panels Canada. They are the first manufacturers of solar panels in the entire province of Ontario. This 24,000 square foot manufacturing facility boasts of a current annual capacity of 20 MW of PV power productions. The Solar panels Canada manufactured are quality made with the latest technology and with high efficiency photovoltaic modules. They provide a 25 year warranty period as well.
The team of professionals at SolGate possesses extensive experience in the PV manufacturing industry and PV module fabrication process. The use of Solar power Ontario is given a visionary approach by them. They are given the space and support to think out of the box in order to come up with new innovations. The engineering team are most committed and dedicated to produce the highest quality of Solar panels Ontario. They possess the ability to cater to their customers and deliver exactly what they want and make sure that it is installed with their team of installers as well.
The Prime Minister Stephen Harper has also visited the Solar panels Canada manufacturing company SoleGate to encourage their work and launch Investing in Business Innovation. The Ontario Legislature has passed the Green Energy Act (GEA). This also includes North America's first Feed-In-Tariff for electricity producers as well. All those who wish to install a PV with an OPA FIT contract can get a 20 year contract in order to feed the grid at a reduced price. They might also qualify for other Federal incentives for energy efficiency retro fits and the reduction of CO2.
Log on to in order to gain more knowledge about the out the different kinds of Solar panels Ontario available for purchase at SoleGate. The above mentioned website provides detailed information about the solar panels manufactured there. It is a great investment that will save huge amount of revenue as solar energy is a free source of energy. It is also the perfect way to go 100% green and save the environment from carbon emissions. So place an order for a Solar panels Canada right away.


SolGate is a leading company that manufactures quality made solar panels with the latest technology and with high efficiency photovoltaic modules.


SolGate Company

172 Trowers Road,
Zipcode : L4L 8A7