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Arrested for domestic violence? Get a Denver domestic violence attorney with know-how and experience

Contact higher trained and dedicated Denver Defense Lawyer for consultation in the practice area of violent crimes, including assault and battery, weapons charges, homicide, kidnapping, robbery, burglary and many more. The experienced lawyers help clients when they face problem during negative and stressful circumstances. The law firm charges affordable rates, offers payment plans and accepts credit cards.
Denver, CO, United States of America ( 12/01/2012
Being arrested and charged with a crime can be confusing and intimidating. But it also presents the need for criminal defense. The lawyers at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., provide an array of criminal defense services in the Denver area and throughout Colorado's Front Range. Our attorneys aggressively defend clients against all kinds of criminal charges, including domestic violence. Domestic violence does not have to actually involve an assault on a family member. The law stipulates that you can still be charged with domestic violence even if it is proved that you accidentally damaged your partner's property or made a verbal threat during a fight with a family member.

A key thing to note is that when police are called about a domestic violence situation, an arrest is likely to be made. Seldom do the protestations of a spouse or other family member prevent an arrest. And once an arrest has taken place, the case is in the hands of the district attorney, who decides and controls the next steps. Another thing to remember is that it is also possible to be charged with domestic abuse even if you no longer live with your accuser. Indeed, one should count on prosecutors to take this option when it presents itself. Domestic violence is taken seriously in the state of Colorado. Prosecutors aggressively pursue such cases, and typically expend considerable resources to get a conviction. Indeed, even if an alleged victim recants or denies the original version of events, prosecutors can still charge the alleged offender for the crime.

Shazam Kianpour & Associates will aggressively fight to protect your rights at every stage of the court proceeding. We attack the prosecution's case from all angles using a variety of effective defense methods that come with the experience and sagacity gained by the sheer volume of cases our team of attorneys has handled. We will help you challenge the accusation and work with you to show that you are not the danger you have been accused of being. At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, we understand that not everything that is claimed in a domestic violence case is true. Household disagreements can lead to highly emotional disputes, and sometimes the acrimony between two persons can obscure the truth of what actually occurred during an incident. We will fight vigorously to help you avoid the stigma and consequences of having a domestic violence conviction on your record.

Being arrested, charged, and prosecuted for domestic violence can be a trying ordeal. But there is no need to be daunted by such a process. Our skill and experience in this area have resulted in hundreds of cases being dismissed or resolved with no jail and little punishment. If you have been arrested and charged with domestic violence after a family argument and would like to talk about the situation with an experienced Colorado criminal defense lawyer, you should send an email to the Denver criminal defense attorney and Denver Domestic Violence Attorney with a proven record of results:

Call for free consultation and legal support by experienced Denver Defense Lawyer. Contact Denver Domestic Violence Attorney for sound legal advice and tenacious representation.


An experienced Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer aids clients with personalized and unique services. The Denver Domestic Violence attorney deals in most life challenging practice areas such as drug crimes.


Shazam Kianpour

190 East 9th Avenue, Suite 420,Denver, CO 80203
Zipcode : 80203