Newsroom / Business / Business / Launch STARTicles – Helping Budding Entrepreneurs Everywhere Launch STARTicles – Helping Budding Entrepreneurs Everywhere announces a re-branding of their articles, neatly packaged into STARTicles. Entrepreneurs can take their assistance to move ahead in the business.
Austin, Texas, United States of America ( 25/01/2012
Austin, Texas – January 25, 2012 -- has already become instrumental in helping entrepreneurs everywhere launch their own business. Wanting to take their assistance one step further, the team behind the site have re-branded the articles section of the site as STARTicles.

Aimed at helping people asking “how to start a business’’, the STARTicles walk users through the simple and logical steps required to achieve success. The website also features five new STARTicles to celebrate the launch:

1)What NOT to Choose for a Business Mailing Address

2) Google+, Why Your Small Business Should Add Another Social Network

3) Windows, Mac, and Linux: The Real-World Implications of Your OS

4) Incorporating Your Business - What Are The Options?

5) Break Up with Your Bank: Should I move my business account out of a large national bank?"

The site’s Marketing Manager, Koby Wong, believes the STARTicles will be invaluable to those using them:

"Our STARTicles complement our How To articles by providing additional information to our visitors about the subject at hand. Our goal is to make our How To’s as useful as possible, and we provide STARTicles to answer questions that only particular users have," he says.

Read the latest tactical startup information today, at the ChooseWhat business blog.


The purpose of ChooseWhat is to guide entrepreneurs through the process of starting a business. We achieve this purpose through four main areas of our website: How To’s, STARTicles, Comparisons of Business Products, and our Business Forum.

Contact Details:

Larry Bills
401 Congress Avenue, Suite 1540
Austin, TX 78701,USA
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Larry Bills

401 Congress Avenue, Suite 1540
Zipcode : 78701